Ladlad, the world’s first and only political party for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) Filipinos. Our members are LGBT individuals and organizations and/or our heterosexual supporters. In Filipino, “magladlad” means to unfurl the cape that used to cover one’s body as a shield. It means to come out of the closet, to assert one’s human rights as equal to that of the next Filipino. LADLAD will run as Partylist in the May 13, 2013 midterm elections. Be part of history.
Our Mission. Our Vision
- OUR MISSION is to protect and promote human rights and access to justice of LGBTs. To raise awareness and sensitize Philippine society about LGBT issues and concerns. To address health issues and concerns of LGBTs. To initiate economic and social support projects for LGBTs, especially those marginalized. OUR SOCIETAL VISION is a society free from gender and sexuality-based oppression, prejudice, discrimination and stereotyping. OUR ORGANIZATIONAL VISION, Ladlad Partylist is an inclusive, sustainable, and responsive national LGBT organization that endeavors to consolidate, empower, strengthen and represent the LGBT community.